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January 11, 2005



This and your other stories relating to driving are fantastic! Driving is so much more than merely getting from point A to point B; It's the interaction of the car and the driver working together and also noticing the enviroment around you that is all too often taken for granted. I also think it's cool when a woman such as yourself likes to wear gloves while driving and how you described the feelings and sensations of being more in control and having more of a " racing mentality " in your story titled " I Drove Off the Canyon Road Today (Oct., 2004) ". There's just something about that that is really appealing. I also enjoyed the photos in the "Commute" and "Malibu Mud 2005" albums and am hoping to see more photos of you driving the Saab while wearing your leather gloves. I also look forward to reading more of your stories and admire your ehxilaration of life and of being in awe of this world.Also, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a great book!

Dean Zarr

I share your admiration for Malibu Canyon and drove it today just for its beauty. Also Mulholland Highway -- same reason, all seasons. You'll probably appreciate this bit of info, too. "Its" doesn't get an apostrophe when used as a possessive. ("It's" is a contraction of "It is.") I'm looking forward to continuing my perusal of your site.

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