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January 28, 2005



Wow! I've been reading your blog for a while, and usually I like it alot. But this one makes me doubt your wisdom. You seem to come across as a poetic sage, but somehow the wisdom is that of a seven year old?

What gives?

Harry in Iowa


Perhaps you are used to the invincibility and grab life by the balls wisdom I type of. Second guessing and vulnerability may not be that interesting, yet are part of a warrior’s path.

The decision process when you destroy something you and others cherish. Perhaps some regrets. Think of the bittersweet samurai, yet true to his path destroys something an "ordinary" man thinks impossible. The samurai is not an ordinary man.

You can intellectually know something, and later that knowing gains weight. Really KNOW what it means. The knowing and understanding is beyond intellect.

Perhaps the wisdom of children is purer than our afflicted adult minds. I will know only when I produce my own.

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