You meet people for a reason. Often it's not obvious what that reason is for. People come into your life to mix it up. Sometimes it's to mix up someone else's life. Sometimes it's just to point out a direction or show a new view.
I like people to be important. Important to me, and me important to them. It's hard sometimes to realize that the interaction was a moment. A moment only and then gone forever. Possibilities and potentials are not reality and often not realized. The shiny wrapped chocolate bunny turns into the waxy hollow core when unwrapped. It's ok. It's fine. It's a learning process. It doesn't make it any easier. I still dream. Not everyone you meet is going to be a core person in your life, no matter how cool or how much potential or how intense a connection you have or how long a history you have with them (well maybe that person is a core part of my life).
I think back on the various moths I've blogged since Feb. Various potentials flaked out by their own flakiness. One of them said once, "you don't have to go out of your way to maintain a relationship. You don't do anything to destroy the bridge, but you don't do anything to maintain it." (I guess that's a nice way of saying, I'm not interested.) He had potential and we had a couple nice walks. He was instrumental in getting me to Santa Monica. Then there was the first love of my life. The adventure I hoped would last a lifetime - but the adventure didn't. I still love him, but it's different. The adventure was Berkeley - where all my dreams came true. Then I dreamed a new dream with a new dreamer. Those dreams took me into desert landscapes and dream realities. We slingshot each other to Los Angeles and split apart to maintain our support structure. Most recently a character pointed out the neighborhood where I am buying my house. I had a feeling that he was just a pointer. But hope springs eternal.
It's not just men - although the heart is an effective way to get that fire under your butt. (Just see the movie, Body, Rest and Motion).
So I move through my life, with passion, detachment, excitement and adventure. I have one partner through my entire life. I will always be here.
All my dreams will come true. They always have.