This painting was done by none other than Joe Heaps Nelson, my best x-boyfriend ever. I love his choice of subject. I loved him for his solid Midwest roots while keeping the funky flavor. We used to drive around the "ghetto" of Des Moines listening to Salt n Pepper and Beastie Boys. He spent his last 20 bucks on dinner with me at the Y-Not Grill. I always wanted him to buy me something to remember him by, but he never did. He bought me lunch everyday for a Iowa Capital session - so I own many of my cells and sinew and blood to him. Ahh, the sweet memory.
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rereading this posts reminds me of another man who has bought countless lunches and dinners and coffee drinks for me. I too owe many of my cells and synaptic pops to him. Not only for their cellular structure, but also for the thoughts in the pops. He's fed my soul with media for years now.
Posted by: robotvescent | January 03, 2005 at 04:52 PM