pack your bags, clear the floor
step out through the open door
leave a note that says goodbye
build a new house, down by the sea
get to the place we were meant to be
you'll know it when you smile
- World Party
This past week, I walked through corporate hallways and buildings. I've taken many trips to company HQ on the east coast in the past several years. It never really occurred to me that one of them would be my last.
As I sit in meetings and meet with people and drive my rental car in the parking garage, I am distinctly aware that I'm saying goodbye. I say goodbye with personal info cards. I say goodbye by continuing to respect my colleagues beyond the negative reasons I'm leaving. I'm saying goodbye by pulling every pedaco of energy that I've attached to my perception of this company, to my colleagues, to my boss, to my products, ideas of myself as an important employee for a huge company, and even this computer that I am typing this message on. I've been a visitor in all these things lives.
There's the self-important part of me want to ramble on. But really, if I stop for a moment it doesn't matter. That idea I had - of myself, my importance it was a visitor too. That's the thing to remember.
We're all visitors and we say goodbye at every moment.
I wrote this last year, when I left AOL. It's here as a reminder to myself.