Something inside me is unravelling. The desert is doing its thing - evaporating all the tightness and crap and stress from the past months/year. My last three sleeps (here at the dome) have been deep and full of bliss. I wake up more refreshed and calm than I have in I can't remember. I've spent my days moving boxes, unpacking, sifting, sorting, identifying all the little fixes the dome needs. I play music loud. I keep things silent.
I throw out things that are no longer needed. You never know how wound up you are, until you start unwinding... and the desert (for me) is the best for this. The land, the nature, the sky, the wind, the air, the crunchy rock/sand ground, the spiky cacti, the clouds, OMG the clouds are amazing and food for my soul.
But there is something else here I will have to face, and that is the people that live here, and that I am an outsider from another culture. I can fake the redneck desert rat persona, but I can not fake the local. I did not grow up here.
I ran away from a similar small town to the big city, and here I am back, faced with all the same things, 20+ years later. I wonder what I will learn and how I will change, and how I will inevitably leave my mark on this place that called me here, from the whisper on the wind as I drove my motorcycle down the mountain into the glistening town on the edge of another planet - 29 Palms.